Tips for builders who want to improve their results and meet stringent energy efficiency code requirements.

All builders can agree on the fact that energy codes are changing and becoming tougher to meet the respective requirements. There have been recent actions that concern how residential and commercial properties utilize energy in different cities across the nation. The new regulations that are being implemented and worked on will set the standard for future building design and construction insofar as energy performance is concerned. One of the main reasons for this is that more and more people are becoming convinced that climate change is not only real but has to be dealt with immediately. But as challenging as it may seem to meet these new requirements, it is possible. Insulation for a home or building will be more important than ever before. Here are a few tips for builders:

Do not stop training

Most builders have to take on many roles throughout the years and it is easy for us to come to a point where we believe that we have learned all that there is to learn, but that is far from the truth. There is always more to learn about building science and how to build homes with durability, indoor air quality, and energy efficiency in mind. If you are experiencing difficulty meeting the requirements for new building energy codes then perhaps it is time to start considering a HERS rater training in order to learn how to build homes with higher quality and energy-efficiency.

Commitment has to be highly important

When it comes to building houses that achieve the required energy efficiency that the government expects, there are very few things as important as commitment. Getting a passing ACH50 value on every single project that you take on is not easy, but it can be done if you emphasize the commitment that you and your workers have to have. You have to look for this quality in any contractors whom you hire for your projects. You cannot afford to have workers who simply cannot commit to delivering high-quality results because they are only interested in finishing the job as soon as possible to get paid. Identifying and weeding out those workers is essential to producing superior results over and over again.

Keep an eye on the workmanship

When we hire contractors to focus on particular aspects of the project we are working on, we expect them to do a great job without a lot of supervision because, after all, they are supposed to be professionals. However, there are things that might be overlooked and that can mean that the ACH50 value of the property you are building might suffer as a result. One such thing is properly air sealing any seam where wood comes together because if there are holes or compression it can reduce the insulation’s performance to a critical level in terms of meeting energy efficiency. You have to stay on top of contractors and keep an eye on their workmanship in order to avoid this. Indoor air quality is crucial and you should fully supervise anything that can affect it.

Be open to other ways of doing things

Because of the new energy efficiency regulations that are coming into effect and others that are sure to follow, builders are going to have to learn more about new building techniques and indoor air quality. Homes are being built tighter than ever before and that makes mechanical ventilation a must in order to meet the new and coming requirements. Something else that should be considered with wood construction is the use of insulated concrete forms and structural insulated panels in place of wood framing so that thermal bridging will not be a problem. You can get more information concerning this topic here:




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