I Live In A Hot Climate Why Do I Need Insulation?

I Live In A Hot Climate Why Do I Need Insulation?

Without effective insulation, living rooms under the roof in the summer months turn into a regular sauna area. Then the rays of the sun beat relentlessly on the roof. Roof surface temperatures of up to 90 degrees can occur.

Although the roof still retains most of the heat, the penetrating solar heat is sufficient to make not only the attic but also the rooms below it unpleasantly warm and stuffy. With the right insulation, on the other hand, a pleasant climate is guaranteed under the roof all year round.

Protection against heat build-up and No heating of the roof spaces:

In summer days, a constant indoor temperature is achievable with the correct insulation. - The motto is: What protects well against cold, helps heat keeps away. For example, insulating materials made of glass, stone wool, polyurethane and other sustainable insulation products have an excellent..... insulating effect - even in the summer. Since the heat from the roof into the interior is only minimal with the insulation in place, there will be a minimal requirement for heating of the interior rooms during the day and night time. Factors such as ventilation additionally have positive effects on the summer heat protection by replenishing the air within the building in cycles. This keeps the air fresh and with low humidity content.

Ideal for the task of insulating is glass wool, mineral wool or rigid board insulation since these are easy to install and available in all the relevant thicknesses. The product packaging generally facilitates ease of storage, transport, and handling on the construction site. In addition, the fact that glass wool can be installed between the roof rafters in a simple, fast and uncomplicated way, which is always a bonus when installing in new construction sites or retrofitting. Maximum requirements for fire and noise protection can also be met with certain insulation products like Roxul Mineral Wool.

Another alternative is rigid board insulation in between your rafters or your floor joists. In some cases you can lay the high-performance insulation polyurethane rigid foam over the floor joists and plywood over them for walking on - with the advantages of a heat-bridge- free laying technique. This allows for a very low insulation thicknesses to be achieved - with optimum insulation performance and a high load bearing capacity and a convincing ecological balance. The reduced in thickness required may also increase the clearance under the roof.

For a higher energy saving:

Whether summer or winter - an effective roof insulation not only has a positive effect on the room climate but also helps with energy saving. As a guideline for achieving maximum results, the lower the “U” value, the better the heat protection - and thus the savings potential. This will also have a positive effect on reducing your air conditioning costs as well.


In order to prevent hot air from entering the roof structure by means of open cracks or joints, it is also recommended to provide a layer of air-tightness, or even better, a moisture-permeable climatic membrane similar to the new range of 3M Air and Vapor barriers. Together with the suitable adhesive and sealing products, this ensures the required air tightness and moisture protection is achieved. Thus, water vapor cannot enter the insulated roof and possibly damage it by mold. Since there are many different types of Rigid board insulation products available in the market today such as Foil Faced Insulation, Rigid board foil insulation, Hunter Insulation, Hunter boards, Rmax Insulation, you should first check with your local professional, which is best for your home.