Should You Insulate Your Garage
Insulating your home is important for many reasons, and the same applies to the garage that is connected to your home. Whatever climate you live in, insulation is necessary. One of the main reasons to insulate your garage is due to the fact it is attached to your living areas. If your garage isn’t insulated, heat will be transferred through the walls and lost. The result? Big prices to pay in terms of heat loss.
Here, we take a look at some more reasons to insulate your garage and some of the best materials to use.
Reasons to Insulate Your Garage
Most people don’t insulate their garage because often it isn’t seen as part of the home or if they do insulate it, they leave it until last. However, without insulation your garage will likely be as cold as it is outside. If you live in an area which is hit particularly hard in winter, like Alaska or North Dakota, this really can be damaging to your belongings and can also be very uncomfortable for you and your family. Some other reasons to insulate your garage include:
1. You work in your garage
Maybe you like to build furniture in your garage? Or perhaps you’d like to convert it into a work from home office space? If you’re planning to spend any amount of time in your garage, insulation will keep it comfortable and warm. Also, if you live in a hotter climate proper insulation will prevent your air conditioning from working extra hard. Again, this will save you costs.
2. You want to convert your garage into a living space
Many people want to add extra space to their home without the massive costs of an extension. If this is the case, utilising your garage space is the way to go. Also, if you don’t insulate your space then your belongings are at risk of getting damped and eventually ruined.
3. It dramatically reduces energy costs
You’ve probably heard this a lot, but insulation really does save you a lot of money. Insulating the areas of your home may cost a lot now and it might take a bit of time, but trust us, it’s totally worth it in the long run. Not only does insulation dramatically reduce heat loss but it will in turn save you a lot of money on bills.
4. Insulation acts as a sound barrier
Maybe you’d like to use your garage to make music or rehearse? Adding insulation with sound attenuation doesn’t just keep the area nice and toasty, it also protects you from external sounds, and the outside from any noise you’re making. Of course, this is great if you’d like your garage to be a mini studio as you won’t hear cars passing or people outside won’t hear you practicing. Furthermore, reducing noise transmission is beneficial to anyone, particularly if you live in a noisy and busy area.
Types of Material for Garage Insulation
In today’s age, there are so many insulation options on the market, and they are all of high quality designed to last for many years. However, it’s important to take a look at the options as you may want to consider different types of insulation for different purposes.
1. Fibreglass Insulation
This type of insulation is one of the most commonly used insulation methods and it fits perfectly well in between wall studs and ceiling joists. You can also get loose-fill fibreglass which can be used to fill tricky spaces such as small spaces or the ceiling of the garage. You can install loose fill by hand, but you’ll need to make sure it is evenly spread across the surface area. Otherwise, you could get a loose fill blower to do the job.
2. Rigid Foam Insulation
Rigid foam insulation comes in boards or sheets with different degrees of thickness. It’s also available in a range of materials so you can choose which one is better for you. The good thing is, you can also measure and cut the sheets to fit the space you’re working with.
3. Batt Insulation
Batt insulation is pre-cut sheets of fiberglass insulation. The rolls are simply bigger versions of Batts. The number one advantage of Batt insulation is that it is extremely convenient to fit. There is no need to measure and cut pieces, you just buy the size you’ll need for your space. This means it is extremely easy to install and efficient in terms of the time you spend installing it.
Choosing the right R-value for your garage
When it comes to insulating any space, R-value is important. As a rule of thumb, it is recommended to look for: an R-value of about 30 for warm climates; an R-value of around 38 for mild climates; and an R-value of 49 for climates that are cold. Be mindful of this when choosing your insulation.
Insulating the Garage Door and Draught Proofing
The garage door is the number one way that heat can be lost from your garage. This part is essential no matter what you’re using your garage for and unfortunately, most garage doors are left uninsulated. You can buy special insulation kits for this or another method is to cut rigid insulation boards to fit the size of the panels.
Another important step is to draught proof your garage. Garages are notorious for having many gaps and cracks, and these gaps are a big culprit for energy loss. Be sure to fill in any gaps with a high quality sealant and you’ll certainly feel a big difference when it comes to the warmth of the room.